dilluns, 31 d’agost del 2015

E-Twinning Quality Label

Encantats de rebre el nostre primer reconeixement de mans de Etwinning! Ens l'han otorgat pel nostre projecte "Food Issues" i estem molt i molt contents!
We are very happy to receive our first ETwinning Quality Label for our "Food Issues" project!

dilluns, 2 de març del 2015

El PUNT TV: The English hour

Coordinated by Marta Andreu, the Class follows a group of primary school pupils in Barcelona's Nou Barris neighbourhood and their efforts to learn English. The 15-minute show airs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6pm. Click and learn English with them!

divendres, 27 de febrer del 2015

Our favourite food

Hello! We made a video about our favorite food. This activity is part of our Etwinning project "Food Issues". Have a look!

dimarts, 27 de gener del 2015

Chocolate and nuts recipe

Do you want to make a delicious and easy recipe? Have a look at our video!

recipe: bread with tomato

Do you want to learn how to prepare Bread with tomato? have a look at my video!