dimarts, 16 de desembre del 2014

Our Check Republic friends also wish us a Merry Christmas!

Thanks so much for the little present and your beautiful letters!

Christmas cards and presents from our Polish friends!

We are so happy to receive such a delicious cookies and beautiful cards from our friends from Poland! Thanks  so much friends!
Estem molt contents de rebre unes galetes tan bones i unes cartes tan boniques dels nostres amics de Polònia. Moltes gràcies amics!


Today we had fun playing to PIN THE NOSE to Rudolph! It is a simple and fun Christmas game you can play with small or big group!
Avui hem jugat al joc de posar el nas a en Rudolph! És un joc de Nadal senzill i divertit que es pot jugar amb gran o petit grup.

diumenge, 14 de desembre del 2014

Story Time!

Coneixeu el puntavui TV? Doncs si sintonitzeu el canal des de casa podreu gaudir de la English hour, on trobareu entre d'altres espais, L'Story time, un espai de contes en anglès pensat per vosaltres! Aquí en teniu un! clica l'enllaç i comença a practicar el "listenning"!

dilluns, 24 de novembre del 2014

diumenge, 23 de novembre del 2014

Numbers numbers!

Hem estat jugant amb els números! Hem cantat una cançó mentre els anàvem trepitjant i hem jugat al joc de les cadíres però amb números. La mestra deia un número i tots corríem a trepitjar-lo! Ens ho hem passat molt bé!
We've been playing with numbers! We sang a numbers song and we jumped on the numbers. Then, the teacher said a number and we hurried to jump on it! We had fun!

Five little monkeys song

We've been working on this fun song! Let's sing it again!
Hem estat treballant aquesta divertida cançó!

dimecres, 29 d’octubre del 2014

Our Halloween lanterns!

dijous, 23 d’octubre del 2014

Go away big green monster song!

We're learning this Super Simple Song with the 1st level students! Do you want to sing with me? Come on!
Estem aprenent aquesta cançò a 1er! Vols cantar-la amb mi? Som-hi!

dimarts, 17 de juny del 2014

Three little pigs lapbook for INFANTIL

Hey! we have worked on the three little pigs story! We made a Lapbook!

T-shirt Day!!

We've celebrated the T-shirt Day! Everybody had to wear a T-shrit with something in English on it! We had fun reading them and realizing that we are surrounded by English language!
Let's have a look on the video and see our great T-shirts ;)

dilluns, 16 de juny del 2014

Three little pigs Lapbook

We worked on the story "The three little pigs". We watched a video, we learned a song, we study the main vocabulary...and we made a Lapbook with all that work!

dijous, 15 de maig del 2014

School bag craft

Do you like our school bag? It is full of school objects! we've been working on class vocabulary and this is our final craft work ;)

dimarts, 13 de maig del 2014

Count on me with lyrics by Bruno Mars

stories on line

Do you want to practice listenning? click on the image!

dilluns, 24 de març del 2014

Follow directions

Do you want more practice on directions? Play this game on-line!

diumenge, 2 de març del 2014

There was an old lady who swallowed a FLY!!

Here you are, the craft activity to retell the nursery rhyme again and again! We add a fly made of pipe cleaners!

divendres, 7 de febrer del 2014

Was /Were PPT

dilluns, 13 de gener del 2014

wonderful world song

Listen to the song and write down on your notebook all the subjects that you can hear:

diumenge, 12 de gener del 2014

divendres, 10 de gener del 2014

Colour-coded grammar

We wrote the different parts of a sentence on different colourful papers to be aware of the different parts of it.

dimecres, 8 de gener del 2014


Create your own comic and have fun with this on-line activity: