dimarts, 26 de novembre del 2013

Santa Claus is coming to town song

Are you in CM? So, what are you waiting for practicing your English song? Here it is!

Rockin' around the Christmas tree song (Miley Cyrus's version)

Do you want to practice your Christmas song? Here it is!

diumenge, 24 de novembre del 2013

People song

Mira el video i fes frases amb el verb "to be" a la teva llibreta.

Writing practice

Do you want to practice writing? Create an story and print it! Click on the image:

dissabte, 23 de novembre del 2013

English games

Do you want to practice English and have fun at the same time?
Click on the image and play!

dimecres, 20 de novembre del 2013

The "Tió de Nadal", a Catalan tradition

Els alumnes de 6è han preparat aquest vídeo per explicar als seus amics d'Alemania i Polònia una tradició tan nostre com és la del "tió de Nadal" (the Christmas log).

diumenge, 17 de novembre del 2013

Numbers, numbers and numbers!!

Let's practice numbers! Are you sure that you know all the numbers in English??? Let's see...
Click on the image