dijous, 21 de març del 2013

Teacher&Students on trainers!

Cap a Cadiretes!

dimarts, 19 de març del 2013

Our own caterpillars!

They look soooo beautifull!

dilluns, 18 de març del 2013

in, on, under. Let's play!

A fun way to learn prepositions!

Archimboldo faces!

We are studying parts of the face. We have seen some Archimboldo's paintings and we tried to make a beautiful portrait with some food products. Then, we labeled the face.

Incy Wincy Spider

We've learned this nursery rhyme and we love it! We've brought Incy Wincy and the poem at home!

dimecres, 13 de març del 2013

Time and numbers

Here you've got lots and lots of numbers and time practice! Let's work!

What's the time?

Click on the picture and play! This game will help you to practice what we have done in class today.

dimarts, 12 de març del 2013

more directions games!

directions game

Play and have fun!

"The robbery" story

Click on the picture and listen to the story

dilluns, 4 de març del 2013

The oldest pupil story

Read and listen to the story