dijous, 31 de gener del 2013


dimarts, 29 de gener del 2013

food game

More food vocabulary practice?? Oh Yes!!

Frequency adverbs

Practice frequency adverbs with this activity! Poseu-me la vostra puntuació, ok?

Present simple

Let's practice the Present simple with this on-line activity!

dijous, 24 de gener del 2013

Incy Wincy Spider

Here's Incy Wincy video! Enjoy it!

dimarts, 22 de gener del 2013


Com que us veig tan disposats a treballar on-line... let's learn about Expressions of Quantity with this Food Partitives! I ja ho veureu, this won't be soooo easy! :-)


Aquí teniu un exemple d'una recepta pas a pas. Watch the video! Us ajudarà amb la vostra presentació!

silly sandwich song

Just a silly sandwich song to have fun and sing!

vocabulary game II

More vocabulary games!

Vocabulary game

Here's a game to practice the vocabulary of the unit.

dilluns, 21 de gener del 2013

Chicken soup story

diumenge, 20 de gener del 2013

What, where, who...Ready?

Practica els question words amb aquest joc!

listen to the monkeys!

Listen to what the monkeys say and decide how the word is written.

Who's who?

Practica les descripcions físiques amb aquest joc. Listen to the description and decide who is who. Enjoy!

dimecres, 16 de gener del 2013


Read and listen to the story. Complete your activities

Let's practice action verbs!

Click on the image and play! Here's a fun game to play alone or with a partner! Enjoy it!


Alittle of practice with a fun activity! Click on the image and play! enjoy it!

Activity camp story

Read, listen to the story and answer the questions

dimarts, 15 de gener del 2013

Food vocabulary battle!

Here's a game to check your vocabulary about food. You can play alone or with a partner! Have fun!

The Hungry Rat

Read and listen to the story. Complete your activities.

dissabte, 12 de gener del 2013


Practica el que hem treballat amb aquesta activitat on-line!

I like/ I don't like

Practica "LIKE/DON'T LIKE/LIKES/DOESN'T LIKE" amb aquest exercici on-line

Let's go shopping!

Llegeix el que tens a la "shopping list" i posa a la cistella tot el que recordis! Enjoy it!